Connecting people
with nature

Join our conservation projects and volunteer in Malaysia. Learn about and support the environmental causes close to your heart
whilst engaging and empowering the local community.

day trips & Holidays

Individuals, small groups and families

Fuze Ecoteer are offering eco day trips and eco getaways in Malaysia. When you travel with us you learn how to lower your negative impact on the environment and maximise revenue generation for the local communities. We are pioneering ecotourism and eco trips in some locations in Malaysia.

Join us with your family, friends or friends and connect with nature.

Group Programmes

Schools, Universities & Corporates

We specialize in leading school and university expeditions by introducing learning through going on outdoor adventures. For life-long learners in the corporate world, we specialize in corporate volunteering and team building in Malaysia. Our programmes are bespoke to suit your needs and can also be tailor-made to advance a specific programme e.g the Duke of Edinburgh, a biology field trip and more. You name it, we can do it!

Volunteer in Malaysia

Marine, Rainforest & Wildlife Care

Whether you are passionate about saving turtles in the ocean, protecting the precious wildlife and our beautiful rainforest, diving to save the marine world and/or engaging with and empowering the local community, we have the project for you! Learn and share ideas with our team and join them in their day to day work at the project site. Go on your volunteering adventure with us and help us in our fight to protect our planet!

Our impact

Fuze Ecoteer has been making waves in the conservation world since 2012
why not join us and volunteer in Malaysia.
The following are our social and environmental impacts from 2012 until today


Corporate participants connected to nature.


Turtle eggs saved across multiple nesting beaches.


Volunteers aiding our projects in Malaysia.


School, university and corporate participants have enjoyed our eco-learning adventures with us.


Animals rescued from the wildlife pet trade and 43 released back to the wild at our partner project.


Contributed to local communities by engaging their services in the course of our programmes.


Cigarette butts picked up and 45,384 plastic bottles removed during beach clean ups.

Our Work

Fuze Ecoteer is an accredited social enterprise (SE A Plus) located in Malaysia that focuses on conservation projects and leads 4 of their own projects and supports 2 independent NGOs,  volunteer in Malaysia or Indonesia with us. The projects lead and create eco-educational programmes for both students and adults to help create a positive impact to the environment that we live in. While the work that we do tackles serious issues, we love having fun and that is what we promise you too!

We are now offering short getaways in Malaysia, including  Selangor,  Terengganu  and Perak. We are also offering tips and advice to help people travel more sustainably

We can also help your company to become more sustainable by turning your waste streams into a new source of revenue or into parts that your organisation needs. Thus we can help you on your journey to a circular economy. Find out more about Upcycled by FE here.

conservation projects in Malaysia

The conservation volunteer projects in Malaysia we support all believe that environmental protection starts with us, the people.

our Clients + Sponsors

We would like to say a huge thank you to our clients and sponsors who have been with us
every step of the way and make all that we do possible. You have the power to make a difference.
Fuze Ecoteer clients

Our Shop

Support our causes through buying our merchandise, a minimum of 60% of the fee goes directly towards funding conservation actions.

Friends of Fuze ecoteer
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