Corporate and company trips

At Fuze Ecoteer we run corporate volunteering, team building and amazing races with a twist.If you want to try something a bit different then get in touch.

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Company Trips and
Corporate volunteering

Fuze Ecoteer company trips are on a mission to help companies engage and motivate their employees whilst connecting them to nature. Enhanced employee engagement leads to a more efficient, more productive and loyal work force. 

We provide end to end bespoke company trips and corporate volunteering experiences that are skillfully designed to improve culture and employee experience. We do this by blending events and activities with nature and community development.  

We are sensitive to your every need. Fuze Ecoteer does its best to provide the right team experience for your company. Whether it’s a neighbourhood clean up, mural painting or even an eco amazing race – there is always something your team can do to help. 

A study from 
Deloitte suggests that companies which take part in corporate volunteering have better work environments. It also states that volunteering boosts employee morale.  The expectation of employees has changed in recent times. Employees now want to work for companies that embrace CSR and possess a strong workplace culture. 

Culture is hard to develop and can be influenced by many different factors. A great way to improve team culture is through a show of strength to help the environment or those less fortunate. We’ve helped companies from a range of different industries transform their culture and employee engagement with our tailored trips.

We can integrate business skills training into the give back programmes which will then be HRDF claimable.  

Corporate Volunteering

Our corporate volunteering company trips are a chance for you and your work colleagues to solve some real life problems.  Not just made up problems but problems where finding solutions are vital for the environment.  Fuze Ecoteer offers corporate volunteering as part of company trips at their own projects and also link up with other NGOs. Let us know if you would like your next staff day out to have as much impact as these… 

Amazing Race company team building in Malaysia
Company trip and corporate volunteering

Amazing Races!

Our corporate amazing races are a fun way for your team to  bond and compete against one another.  We can run these to suit your needs, be them half day, full day or over night.  We always add in an element of conservation or community development.  Our programme designer will discuss your team and KPI needs and suggest activities and stations to suit you.

Corporate Team building games during company trip Ipoh

Outdoor Team Building

If you want something more traditional for corporate team building Fuze Ecoteer provides outdoor team building and bonding activities for all.  Let our FE course designers know your KPI’s and where you want your team to improve and they will design activities to suit.

Precious plastic half day workshop

Office Workshops

Team bonding and connecting to nature starts from your office!   We come to you and lead you through short workshops and team bonding exercises.  Learn how to turn your single use plastic into something useful, learn how to cook with delicious chocolate that benefits the forests to setting up recycling stations around your office. 

CSR Kids Camps!

Fuze Ecoteer love to inspire the next generation to protect their environment.  If you are thinking of having a kids camp for your CSR programmes then check us out.

We have run half day to 5 day 4 night camps for corporate CSR programmes.
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