COVID-19 Announcement
COVID-19 is having a large impact on all our daily lives. We all know the issues of the virus and how it has impacted a lot of lives however there are some positives we can take from COVID-19 for the environment, with the banning of wildlife trade for consumption in China, much lower pollution from travel and factory output and a change that YES we can actually continue our jobs from home. This will be a year for the environment when nature puts us humans back in our place so she can flourish once more.
The main thing to remember is that we should all be responsible for our cleanliness. This too should continue after the initial spread of the virus has slowed down. We should use COVID-19 as a lesson and learn from it so we don’t repeat what has gone on before.
If you are due to volunteer with us, we can move your dates to later in the year. To find out more please visit our page on COVID-19 updates.
However, conservation work does not stop as there is so much that still needs to be done. The turtles are already starting to nest in the Perhentian islands with their season finishing in September and the seas are calming for the corals to thrive once more after the monsoon.
However, we still need to fund conservation efforts such as patrolling the turtle nesting beaches from illegal egg collectors and monitoring the coral health and the forests need patrolling to keep poachers at bay. As much as we want you to join us and volunteer your time and energy, we understand that the situation might not permit that at present.
Having said that, there are still a number of ways where you can help contribute to the conservation of animals in Malaysia. You can fundraise for our causes by organising your own fundraising activities. Watch this space as we will soon have several ways how you can support our efforts from home, every little bit of help counts.
With your support 2020 can be the year when NATURE fights back!
Dan and Pav and the FE Family