Our Volunteer conservation projects
Find awesome, ethical volunteer conservation projects in Malaysia
and create an impact to the world.
Fuze Ecoteer (FE) run volunteer conservation projects in Malaysia and also provides support to local NGOs. FE conservation projects focus on connecting people with nature, be they a local villager, volunteer, primary aged student to corporate employees. Our primary aim is to connect people with nature with the hope that they will then protect what they have come to love.
Below you can find more about our volunteer conservation projects in Malaysia along with a video about the impact of these projects in 2020.
The Perhentian Turtle Project
Join our sea turtle volunteer conservation project in the Perhentian Islands and help protect turtles and their nesting areas.
Perhentian Eco Education Project
Join our Eco education volunteer project where you inspire the next generation and involve them in conservation actions.
Perhentian Marine Research Station
Learn to scuba dive and gain underwater surveying and research skills while helping with coral reef restoration and conservation.
Wildlife Rescue Centre
Help care for the rescued animals by preparing their food, cleaning their cages and making your own enrichment program. You will also be involved with teaching the local school children and young adults.
Group Volunteering
Tell us about the type of volunteering service your group would like to do. We will then make a bespoke group volunteering experience at one of our projects or a suitable NGO in Malaysia or Indonesia.
How do I know this is responsible volunteering?
Before you volunteer think, why am I volunteering? Is it to gain experience in a potential future career? Or you want to give back to the planet? or I just want a holiday that has a good impact on the earth? It doesn’t matter which but first think why you want to join a volunteering project.
Then think, what can I give back to the project? What are your skills ? How is my money being spent and what is the impact?
With these three questions in mind you can look for suitable programmes for you and then ask the right questions. What will I get out of this? What can I give back and how is more money being spent. Ethical and responsible volunteering projects would be more than happy to answer these questions.
For more on ethical and responsible volunteering please check this website.
You can support the Fuze Ecoteer projects and supported organisations by buying their merchandise. A minimum of 60% of your fee goes directly towards the conservation cause linked to that product. The other percentage is used for production costs.
Nature Blog Articles

Short Getaways to Penang
Short getaways to Penang, Perak, Kedah, Perlis and Langkawi The north and west of Peninsular has so much to offer an Ecotourist from some of